[Dailydrool] Gracie

KR1204 at aol.com KR1204 at aol.com
Wed May 29 15:34:48 PDT 2013

As I have written before, a number of years ago, I got my ex to "foster" a  
pair of bassets named Gracie and Drummer. Of course, he adopted them. They 
have  spent a lot of time at my house including 18 months until about a year 
 ago after my ex had  to declare bankruptcy and I let him back into the  
house because of them. In March Gracie suddenly couldn't come up the one  step 
into the house and her back legs were wobbly. I immediately took her to the 
 vet and x rays showed a slight intrusion into the spinal canal near  her 
tail. After a couple of days on pred and painkillers she was back  to normal 
and when he picked them up I cautioned him to not let her do any  steps at 
Last week they went with him and his fiance to her place in the  mountains. 
 Saturday she woke up and could not use her back legs. He called  my vet 
who called Rx's in to the nearest pharmacy. Gracie did not respond at  all. 
They came home Tues and he brought her to my vet this am. Xrays showed the  
vertabrae had completely collapsed. He had texted me last night about her  
condition and I asked him not to be to hasty in any decisions. He called me at  
work today and told me that Dr Robyn felt it was best if she was PTS and it 
was  over. I asked why he didn't call me so I could say goodbye but he 
started crying  and said he didn't want to prolong the process. So I have been 
crying most of  the day because they stayed with me so often they were part 
of my "pack". So a  safe arrival at the Rainbow Bridge my sweet Gracie girl 
where, Spanky, Sonny  Elwood, Buster, Rascal, Rufus and Snuggles will show 
you the ropes and I will  see you again some day.
 Kathy with Crackers, Loki and Jordan who have been told she won't be  
joining us in June as planned. 
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