[Dailydrool] Colt Update..new cancer drug

Michele S. wickedfoxybear at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 15 07:49:51 PST 2013

Hello drool family...once again I have found myself woefully behind in the DD's.  I finally retired from the Air Force...on Halloween..hehehe all good witches retire on Halloween and return back to Salem when they retire. Yes, I will be returning to Salem...Salem, Indiana...but Salem none the less to start farm life at the beautiful Howling Hound Acres. Major heart healing drool to the families of Flash, Jean Paul, and anyone else whose beloved houndie has made the trip to the Rainbow Bridge. May they live forever in the magic of your memories.  The boyz are slinging healing drool to Elvis, Maggie and any other hound or human that is sick or injured.  We pray that everyone feels better soon. As you may remember back at the end of September Colt was diagnosed with Lymphoma.  After working through the devasting heart ache the DH and I...along with the help of our drool family came up with a plan of treatment for Colt.  Thank all of you again for your drool, prayers, support and advice. We decided to go with the Cancer Center of Americas line of treatment...Chemo plus some holistic vitamin, & food supplements. On 4 Nov Colt had his 2nd chemo treatment (doxorubicin), that went very well, with only slight morning sickness.  He was only slightly nauseated for 5 days post treatment, only in the early morning.  he never stopped eating, and never really acted sick, but was a little picky about what he would eat.  So we divided his breakfast up into very small morning snacks. A little oatmeal to start with along with his meclazine (anti-nausea), about an hour later I gave him a little kibble with boiled chicken, an hour after that I gave some Wellness Core (canned 95% meat) with his vitamin supplements mixed in.(all very small amounts to make sure he would keep it down) Usually by 9am he was out chasing squirrels with Ruger in the back yard. Which is where they are at right now as I type this...sitting under the swamp oak, eyes staring into the trees waiting for the squirrels to make a break for it.  They crack me up. So Colt is happy and acting like a a 3-4 year old hound (he is 6). Playing chase with Ruger, chasing squirrels, searching the kitchen for crumbs of food, and even going for short walks.  His walks are a lot shorter because he seems to tire out after a short distance (about 1/4 mile), but he never seems to get tired when he is chasing the squirrels. If I would let them they would stay out all day in the back yard chasing and barking at them.  Since we are at the FL house with lots of very close neighbors I can't let them stay out barking at the squirrels for very long...have to be considerate of the neighbors. So I have to make them come in the house for time-outs.  
New Cancer drug.  I saw it on the news the other night and there is a very promising new cancer drug that is out for dogs and is in Phase III drug trials for humans. It looks very promising for both human and canine in treating solid tumor cancers, with little to no side effects. >From what I can gather they surgically take the cancer tumor from the patient, then send it off to make a vaccine for the patient that will cause the patients immune system to create antibodies to fight the cancer.  It is called DCvaxx by Northwest Biotherapeutics.  I have our vet looking into it for Colt...might be to late since we have already started chemo, and lymphoma is more of a blood/immune system cancer, but it can be considered a solid tumor cancer when it swells up the lymph nodes like it did with Colt. So we'll have to wait and see about this one.  Hopefully no other hounds will contract the dreaded C-word that we dare not speak...but if so hopefully this information will help. 
Love and drool to all.  And please keep Colt in your thoughts, prayers and sling a little healing/C-word remission drool his way. 
Michele, Colt & Ruger at the Beach
Women are Angels...And when someone breaks their wings..They simply continue to fly....on a broomstick...They are flexible like that...
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