[Dailydrool] The continuing drama of Fiona's ears

Adrienne Gillespie clara at spiritone.com
Fri Apr 18 08:37:45 PDT 2014

Fiona has a chronic ear infection for which we see a specialist. She had 
a flare up a while ago, but things seemed to be under control. Yesterday 
evening, she started shaking her head wildly. I looked inside.It was a 
bit read but didn't seem to have much more debris than usual. I cleaned 
it lightly even though today was ear cleaning day. She seemed more 
comfortable after that.

This morning as I was getting ready for the big clean (2 bowls, 2 bulb 
syringes, 1 towel, lots of cotton rounds) I notched blood on the cyst on 
her ear. When I looked more closely and touched it, all that goo we know 
so well came spewing forth. So I cleaned up the mess, then cleaned her 

I now wonder if that was what was bothering her yesterday or if all the 
head shaking caused it to blow. It seems to be empty. I'm expecting a 
call form her vet today because Fiona has been slightly incontinent 
lately and the in clinic culture was clear of bacteria. The urinalysis 
results are back and there was no bacteria, but she's calling me today 
to let me know what other mysteries her urine might reveal. I'm hoping 
it's just that she's old (she's 13) and nothing worse. As we talk about 
her pee, I'll mention the blown cyst. We always have lots to talk about.

Adrienne Gillespie

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