[Dailydrool] Last call for Flash the Wonderdog BW shirts -Tristate 2014 Boardwaddle"

wsnoopy wsnoopy at optonline.net
Mon Apr 21 08:22:36 PDT 2014

Tri-State Basset Hound Rescue BoardWaddle 2014 Shirts painted by Flash 
the Wonderdog.


We have had unprecedented demand for this year’s shirts painted by 
Flash.  Flash remains a wonderful, sweet Basset Hound despite being shot 
twice by
  his owner and having his front leg damaged and his rear leg amputated.


We actually sold out of many sizes before the BoardWaddle and reordered 
and then we sold out again before the start of the parade.  The original 
  has been auctioned and it will be used one final time to produce 
another run of shirts.  This is it, your last chance to own a unique and 
fitting tribute to a miracle of rescue.  We will take orders on our 
www.tristatebassets.org <http://www.tristatebassets.org>  from now 
through Sunday 4/27.


Everyone who has seen the shirts “in person” has loved them – you can 
see the design on our website and on the Waddle registration packet.  
They are a beautiful purple color, and
  the regular short and long sleeve tees are a soft stone washed 
fabric.  Please remember to include shipping with your order.


Please help Tri-State Basset Hound Rescue continue its mission and reach 
this year’s goal of a Basset saved a day. 


Own your own Flash-Wear today.






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