[Dailydrool] I give up!

Pamela McQuade plmcquade at optimum.net
Mon Jul 7 12:39:55 PDT 2014

We've had a whole weekend of fireworks, one night after another. When it 
wasn't our town putting them off, it was a neighboring one, and Dex has 
such good hearing, he knew all about it, even when we weren't aware of 
it. He didn't want to go out, and since I didn't want to have more pee 
in the house, I had to drag him out. I felt so guilty.

He paid me back by sleeping right up against Drew last night, not even 
touching me, though he usually insists on leaning on both of us.

I hope no one decides to put up some home-grown fireworks tonight. I 
think the little guy needs a rest. And I think someone needs to come up 
with noiseless fireworks--it seems to me that some of the ones Drew and 
I saw last night, just above our treeline, were pretty quiet. I wouldn't 
mind quiet fireworks, as long as Dex was happy. I've never enjoyed loud 
noises, so I thoroughly relate to his problem with the booms. Oh, and 
Horton isn't too fond of the noise either, though he doesn't constantly 
shiver, as Dex does.

Pam, food slave to the Dashing Bassets

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