[Dailydrool] Baaaaaddddddd THUNDERSTORMS

via Dailydrool dailydrool at lists.dailydrool.org
Thu Apr 9 16:25:01 PDT 2015

Boy did we have bad storms go through last night, some pretty close  
lightening strikes, it doesn't seem to bother Annie,  she lifted her head a  
couple times, got up turned in circles and laid back down,  now this is  real odd 
happening, , I have always believed in the afterlife,  I  truly believe 
that out loved ones and our pets walk among us, I have a motion  detector light 
in my kitchen, and I have insulated drapes on all my windows so I  know it 
wasn't the lightening,but last night three times after a clap of  thunder,  
my kitchen light came on ?????   I think it was my  Maggie,  Maggie was 
always afraid of thunderstorms, and every time it  stormed she would get up and 
pace around the house,  Annie sat up one time,  looked out into the kitchen, 
whimpered and then laid back down.  I read a  very interesting article on 
dog grieving  today,  and it said that  dogs grieve like a 2 or 3 year old, 
they do get depressed and they search for a  LONG time, because they can not 
comprehend that fact that death is FOREVER   like we can, so they will 
continue to search and get excited when we come home  thinking that we are in 
fact bringing back their companion, it said that animals  actually grieve 
longer than humans, because they always think that their  companion is coming 
back no matter how long they have been gone,  made me  cry !  and then it made 
me truly understand what my Annie is feeling, like  today, she was just 
horrible, so sad and followed me every where.  I  understand that they grieve, 
but I truly never comprehended the true extent of  it until today
Marlene  and Annie and Maggie ATB
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