[Dailydrool] Vestibulitis

Janine Smith via Dailydrool dailydrool at lists.dailydrool.org
Mon Sep 28 14:20:27 PDT 2015

Hennessy had this. Very scary—she was stumbling and walking into walls. We didn’t do anything medical, but when I went home I spent 30 minutes rearranging furniture to block her from going upstairs. 20 minutes later she strolled across my bedroom…upstairs!

It took about 2 weeks to go away. I carried her up and down stairs (not great for my back) and walked her on a leash to go outside. She never lost her appetite, but she did get all her favorites foods during that time.

When it was gone, it was completely gone and she was back to normal. Well, back to being Hennessy, which was never normal!

Janine Smith, Jack the Golden Boy, and Murphy the Wolfass (Wolfhound/Basset)

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