[Dailydrool] Bailey's back

Pamela McQuade via Dailydrool dailydrool at lists.dailydrool.org
Thu Mar 24 14:13:47 PDT 2016

The mama has commanded that we sling some drool for Bailey. She says she 
went through a slipped disk with Abner, who was way before our time, and 
she will never forget it. Recovery is hard on both man and beast. She 
suggests buying a sling to help Bailey go out, so you do not do as she 
did and drop your precious basset. Perhaps if you have very large hands, 
you could use the towel that was recommended to her, but the mama has 
six and a half inch hands from the heel to tip, and even with a thin 
towel, they were not large enough.

She also recommends the IVDD support group at 
http://www.dodgerslist.com/ Vets can tell you all they like, but they 
have usually never lived through this experience. The folks at 
Dodgerslist have and can give good advice.

We will be slinging drool in Bailey's direction and hoping the slime 
will help. Mama has very little drool and says she will pray instead.

Dexter and Horton, the earthly Dashing Bassets

and their human, Pam

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