[Dailydrool] Browyn

Dale Rutz via Dailydrool dailydrool at lists.dailydrool.org
Thu May 5 10:24:30 PDT 2016

 Hi it's Dale,
So my mom, may her memory be for blessing, was a VERY strong believer in having dogs drink lots of water.  So much so that she made them "hot dog soup" if they were sick.
ok, ok, ok, so she was a jewish mother and sometimes she went with chicken soup but hot dog soup is easier and also much better if your dog is allergic to chicken.
She would put a hot dog (cut up) in 2 cups of water and boil it.  Then remove the hot dog pieces and cool it.  Then serve it to a very happy dog who would suck it down in nothing flat.  The hot dog can be reused 2 or 3 times and then used as treats.
Drinking lots of water makes lots of things better, according to my mother (may her memory be for blessing).  This is a fairly simple way to increase your dogs water intake .... and it's kind of fun to watch.
Good luck,Dale
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