[Dailydrool] Clara

via Dailydrool dailydrool at lists.dailydrool.org
Thu Aug 24 18:08:13 PDT 2017

Drool and prayers being sent to Clara that all is well and that the biopsy  
come back as being benign.  Hope it is nothing but a cyst.
In a lighter note, the vet said that Millie needs exercise, even though she 
 does limp a bit.  That be her advice, I have been trying to make her walk  
around the block a least once a day.  Well, I am sure that many of you know 
 what fun it is to get a basset to do something it does not want to do.  We 
 go a few steps and she turns around to head for home.  I have to start  
pulling her in the right direction.  A few steps more and the same  thing.  
For variety, she will stop to sniff something and in the process  turn in the 
direction of home.  Again I  have to pull her into the  correct direction.  
A third tactic she uses is to walk very, very slow,  hoping I will give up 
and head for home.  No, I just continue to pull her  until she walks a bit 
faster.  This will continue for about half of  the required distance before 
she will decide to cooperate.  By that time we  are heading home anyway.  By 
that she also decides to pick up the pace  too.  
Douglas Dropp  & Millie with
Pw.'s Charlie & Bennett(ATB)  

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