[Dailydrool] First Bassey

via Dailydrool dailydrool at lists.dailydrool.org
Mon Feb 20 15:00:32 PST 2017

Our first bassey was a pure-breed, that we fostered for our realtor.
The dog had belonged to her husband, now ex- who had let the 
dog behind when he moved to the west coast.

The bassey name was Chi--I think it had something to do with
a sorority..think one of the daughter attended Univ. of Maryland,
a big Greek school.

The dog had  all the "unfavorite" characteristics of a Basset Hound.
The dog had a pervasive houndie odor, non-stop drool, "Club paw,"
and once ate a whole jar of blue cheese dressing.

I think it was about 1980, and we lived in Arlington,VA, Chi was about 
2 years old, and very puppy like.  He liked to get up on our marble
table-top, and rock out to Blue Suede Shoes by Elvis.

My then 2-yr old son Jake thought he was great!

Who would have thought he led the way to a life-long love
of the breed.
#2)Baron long-haired bassey our heart dog) -atb 
Lucy bass-a-door -atb# 3)
Odie  our bass-a-jack (best behaved)# 4) -

Gentle hugs.
Drool to all in need..
Johanna, Ray & Odie

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