[Dailydrool] Liver issues

Vikki Grauf via Dailydrool dailydrool at lists.dailydrool.org
Mon Feb 27 18:13:23 PST 2017

Dearest Joanna and Dudley. 
On the subject of elevated liver numbers. Years ago I was getting ready to have one of my dogs teeth cleaned, and even though she was not a senior, (four years old) had the pre-screening done, as I am rather nurotic where my dogs are concerned. The numbers came up off the charts elevated, and the vet wanted to push on and do the dental. I said no, if you just want to keep going, the why even do the tests? This struck me as just greedy on his part, and I decided another vet was in order, but first to get those numbers down. 
At the time she was suffering terrible allergies. I bought every dog food on the market, and the one she was currently on had no grain, and was a salmon and mackerel terribly high fat formula. It was about the most expensive dog food on the market, but I was desperate to get her allergies under control, and would have bought anything. The fat content of this food was the cause of the liver issues. It was suggested to try a very bland diet of rice and chicken and such, and the numbers came right down, and the dental went off without a hitch. 
This is our story, I hope it helps, kindest regards Vikki  
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