[Dailydrool] Strawberries and good news

Sally King sallyemking at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Aug 8 15:23:23 PDT 2019

This is Athena. I believe strawberries are poisonous and disgusting things. Do not eat them. I spit them out because The Woman will give them to me - apparently the hounds who used to live here ate them and the girl hound used to jump over the fence into the strawberry patch and eat as many as she could.
Merta Lou, as a professional Lady Basset, I think you should stick to bananas and apples and nectarines and plums and peaches and just forget stinky strawberries - although The Woman has never heard that they are bad for houndies.
Now my good news. The vet lady says my lump was benign, although a type it was good to remove and that the lymph node had no nasties in it, so once I have my stitches out I can start looking for a forever home. So, here are my demands:
More food, especially human food (I get starved here) My own special soft blanket in every roomTreats just for being fabulousNo more vet visitsNo visitors under the age of tenOnly visitors I approve ofI must be the only dogI must receive constant pets, cuddles and tummy rubsFresh water in my bowl - none of this rainwater or shared bowl nonsensePunctual meal timesComplete devotion......
I'm sure there's more, I'll get back to you.
Snooters and drool to all
Athena, UK

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