[Dailydrool] Pukey Pups

Valerie Strand bratbasset at gmail.com
Wed Sep 8 16:06:34 PDT 2021

Here is some info I got from my vet about what she is seeing. My not a 
basset (Maggie) ended up at the ER vet 2 weeks ago with vomiting and 
some bloody diarrhea. White count was low and liver enzymes were up. No 
fever, 3 days and $$$ later she was home. The ER vets never could find a 
cause. I took her to my vet for her follow up check up and more blood 
work. My vet said that in the last 6-8 weeks she has seen about 24 dogs 
with the same symptoms. What hit home with her was the blood work for 
all showed lower white counts and elevated liver enzymes. She thinks it 
may be some new virus going around since she has never had anything like 
this before. Also, young dogs bounced back fast older dogs took longer 
for the diarrhea to go away. Maggie is fine now and her blood work is 
still improving, but not quite normal yet. Hope this info may help some 
of you and if you have had similar experiences lately. Paisley, my 
basset diva has been just fine.


vastrand at comcast.net

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