<DIV>Well ib Momslabe eber fought I no is tough she berry wrongs. I be waiting and waiting and waiting all days to show her da prize. Den when she finally open da doors I had a big surprise. I birdie just her she! Dat rite, I caught da mean ole birdie dat be drinking me water. I growl, I show teeth, I wiggly my butt and caught dat birdie. He be a fun toy, but den it stop mobing so I wait for da Momslabe at da door to show hers.</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Momslabe here. That's right apparently Speedy had a lot of fun catching a little sparrow. Feathers were everywhere in the back yard. Poor bird, he either put up a fight or Speedy used him as a toy. I never had a bird catching dog though Ted used to catch small four legged furry critters. I have no idea what came over him. </DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Nancy momslabe to Speedy Speed Demon of the West OEBE (da mighties hunters) and Ted
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