<*> hoo!!! I am Boardwaddle bound!<br>My bags are packed, I'm ready to go.<br>I'm getting picked up at o-dark-thirty<br>tomorrow to begin my adventure.<br>A week in MD visiting friends and<br>a weekend at the o-shun making<br>new ones!!!!<br><br>Pw. Jacques is staying home in<br>Colombia, but he'll be well pampered<br>by the dog nanny and the junior dog<br>nanny.<br><br>Hope to see everyone on the boardwalk!!!!<br><br>Sherrilyn<br>NO RAIN STOMP NO RAIN STOMP NO RAIN<br>STOMP (good thing i have these size 12s!)<br>STOMP STOMP STOMP!!!! NO RAIN NO RAIN!!<br><p>
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