<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' ><tr><td style='font: inherit;'><P>Nigel and Llewis,</P>
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<P>This be Daisy Mae and Emmy Lou down in Fowler, IL. We felt it too. Our whole house shook. Mommy flew up out of her bed and came running into our room because we were both baying at the top of our lungs. Mommy moving that fast at 4:40 AM is pretty funny to watch. Her back is held together with bolts, so she usually doesn't move so fast in the mornings. She let us outside and we searched the whole yard looking for what made the house shake. We couldn't find anything, but we were determined. Finally Mommy hollered, "Girls it's not even 5 AM do ya think we could go back to sleep and check it all out once the sun comes up?" We didn't think so, but when Mommy comes outside in her nightshirt with a leash, we knows it's time to go back to bed for awile. Emmy waited till first sunlight and was up howling again, so out we went. But it was Breakfast time and we don't pass up too many meals
around here, so we made Mommy late for work by refusing to come in after we ate and begged Daddy to be let back out. Daddy is a push over and will give in to "THE LOOK" all the time. Then he left, so Mommy be mad at all 3 of us. She always gets over it, cuz she has been in training for 9 months as of next Monday. She gets a little better every day. </P>
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<P>Next week she is on vacation, and we going to some fancy boarding place that is owned by a trainer and behaviorist for 2 days. Do you think she is trying to pull a fast one? She tells us there will be all kind of doggies to play with and that they even have an outside just like our back yard and a big room to play in if the weather is bad. I hope she isn't trying to fool us. I don't think she is though, cuz she's already getting mushy about us being apart for 2 days and that she will miss us, but they are going on a shopping trip and we would be alone too much in our crates and she says that would make her sad too. I just hope we can get to the bottom of this earth quake thing before they leave on Tues.</P>
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<P>Love and Snooter Kisses to all and Drool to those in need,</P>
<P>Daisy Mae and Emmy Lou</P>
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