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Wow! Terrific to hear! I'm thrilled for everyone!<BR>
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2008 11:20:24 -0400<BR>From: EKielley@messiah.edu<BR>To: dailydrool@dailydrool.org<BR>CC: jamie@akkennel.com; rssnell1@hotmail.com<BR>Subject: Another update on Iris<BR><BR>
<META content="Microsoft SafeHTML" name=Generator>4/20<BR>Dear Liz-<BR>I just had to let you know this dog is truly an Angel in disguise!<BR>She seems to worm her way wherever we go. And a joy to take--altho we<BR>are working on who's leading who. Anyway today we went to our<BR>grandson's first baseball game. He's 11 yrs old and has Fragile X<BR>Syndrome and this was his first ever game--As you would imagine, both<BR>teams were made up of children with"Special needs" We arrive with<BR>Miss Iris and she's an immediate hit, being so laid back and cool with<BR>all these children around her. One Little boy around 11 or so, upon<BR>seeing her quickly ran into the safety of the cage that surrounded the<BR>dugout. His mom told us he has been afraid of all dogs all his life<BR>and wouldn't come near us. However, he kept checking her out and she<BR>would just watch him and wag the body which made him laugh at her.<BR>This went on for a numb er of innings [3 hrs to be exact] and as<BR>everyone was leaving the field at the end of the game, this child's<BR>mother tapped me on the shoulder and with tears in her eyes, pointed<BR>to IRIS. Here was this little boy sitting on the ground next to IRIS<BR>and petting her and she was lavishing in the attention and smiled as<BR>if to say I Knew I could win<BR>him over! She slurrped him and he asked if she could come to another<BR>game. My grandson answered " of course she'll be here, she loves us!!<BR>The mom said that was the very first time he had ever gotten near a<BR>dog.! See, she's magical! Thank you again for "keeping" her for<BR>me![I'd appreciate it if you would pass this on to Jaime as I don''t<BR>have her e-mail]<BR>Love, Iris and Mary</BLOCKQUOTE></body>