<div><BR><BR>We sometimes gots de problem of the burned food, too. Bullet the foster dog eats enough food to animate 3 other doggies, so the slave hasta cook, cook, cook. Yesterday was shoppin day, and the mom got the chickens, the tofu, and the pork. We didn't get no sweet potaters, and I love them. I'm startin a protest. We got cooked apples, which are quite good. We also gets carrots and celery, or whatever's around.</div> <div> </div> <div>Now, good homemade dog food takes the slabes payin attention. Don't be emailin yer furiends all day and forget about da cookin. Foster Bullet went out yesterday and started waitin on the porch at 4:00 for dinner. Dinner's at 5:00, but I didn't want to take no chances, so I waited out there too. </div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div>Roland,</div> <div>Duke of Ears</div><BR><BR><div><FONT face=system color=#4040ff>Janice Henry Colvin</FONT></div> <div><FONT face=System
color=#4040ff>gardener, dog rescuer, spiritual director, mother, grandmother and friend</FONT></div><p>
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