<div><BR>Dear Beauregard,</div> <div> </div> <div>You are so right, I forgot to mention the Waddle which will take place on July 19, 2008-the day before the Oregon Basset Hound Games. The Waddle will be at the wonderful Woodburn Company Stores at 4:00-5:00 pm. The Stores are right on I-5 between my hometown (Salem) and Portland. There is no sales tax in Oregon, so basset wranglers can shop their hearts out. </div> <div> </div> <div>This is the first time OBHR has had a waddle. I think there will be photographers there! So if any of you bassets want to get gussied up and parade, come to Oregon. Stella and I will definitely be in the waddle. Mom says it's not "ethical", whatever that is, for us to compete in the games! Too bad. Bullet and Stella and I have been working on our trio. The mom heard me hit a high C today!</div> <div> </div> <div>I especially want to invite all the OEBE
hounds to come. We will have special gifties for all OEBEs who show up.</div> <div> </div> <div>Roland, Duke of Ears</div> <div>Oregon Basset Hound Rescue Helper</div><BR><BR><div><FONT face=system color=#4040ff>Janice Henry Colvin</FONT></div> <div><FONT face=System color=#4040ff>gardener, dog rescuer, spiritual director, mother, grandmother and friend</FONT></div><p>
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