We have been readers of the drool for many years and have occasionaly made a post or two. I know we can reach out to others who have been where we are now. My best friend Clyde went to the Rainbow bridge yesterday evening. He was only 8 years old. He had been having spells where he would act droopy and slow for one day and then the next he would be fine and active. Friday we took him to the vet and he said he might have a cyst on his spleen that was bleeding and then Clyde would reabsorb the blood and be fine. The vet said he thought he would be ok till monday since he was up and about and no worse off than any time before when he had felt poorly, so we scheduled him for surgery on Monday at 7 am. This was at 9 pm fri. (our appointment was for 5 pm but the vet was running late and we sat there till 9). Sat am he was fine, went out to potty and play and came back in ok. Last eve. when we got home he was gone. We are in shock and our Flower girl is lost without him. She went out this morning and howled and called for him to play with no reply. She runs around the yard looking for him and stares at the house waiting for him to come out to play. I don't know who's heart is breaking more right now. Sorry to post bad news to the drool but I did not know where else to turn. I don't know if we should find Flower another friend or if she will eventually be alright having just the other dog in the family to interact with. Thanks for letting me share with you all. What a great group and source of healing we all have.<br>
Carl & Peggy<br>
Flower & Clyde-gone but never forgotten<br>
Holly the black lab<br>
6 cats<div id='u8CA7685FB6CE1DC-7B8-6D61' class='aol_ad_footer'><FONT style="color: black; font: normal 10pt ARIAL, SAN-SERIF;"><HR style="MARGIN-TOP: 10px">Plan your next roadtrip with <A title="http://www.mapquest.com/?ncid=mpqmap00030000000004" href="http://www.mapquest.com/?ncid=mpqmap00030000000004" target="_blank">MapQuest.com</A>: America's #1 Mapping Site.</FONT> </div>