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<div>My dad likes to read the drool and LOVES to read all the stories from the houndies to our friends and family (he's a big fan of Nigel 'n Llewis and Brudder Elwood, but loves all the stories!) Well, he said the other day that everytime he reads of "the momma's with the eyes goin buggy an da smoke outta da ears" he's reminded of the artwork from a guy named Ed "Big Daddy" Roth, who drew a character back in the 60's & 70's called "Rat Fink" that was very popular amoung car enthusists. He showed me some of the artwork, which usully involved lots of bulging eyes and things like that. It seems like though his style is a bit off the wall, it could make great back drop to some of the stories on here from the hounds. (Plus, as dad said, if the man could draw a rat and make it look neat, a basset with it's tongue flopping about wouldn't be a stretch!) </div>
<div>-Karrie, momma to Joey, Aunty to Checkers & Crispin</div></div>