<div>Okay, for the lump on the head; if in doubt, get it checked out! Jill the Bagel has had them removed. She also had a warty looking, kind of like a human skin tag on her chin--it bothered me more than her but while she was under for other surgery we had it removed; benign but better safe than sorry.</div>
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<div>Hiccupping, oh my goodness. Both Jill the Bagel and (ATB) Sandy the Wonderdog hiccupped, usually while sleeping right through it. Neither seemed worse for the wear. . . </div>
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<div>Sneezing - dogs have two kind of sneezes, outward like we humans do and inward like only dogs do; these sometimes are mistaken for gagging. Jill the Bagel does both; Sandy did, too. So is it sneezing or gagging. Hm, what a quandry!</div>
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<div>Gagging - real gagging involves different posture and sound than inward sneezing. Jill the Bagel and Sandy both did on occasion, usually after making pigs of themselves on edibles, like snarking down a dog cookie without chewing it. In my opinion, the little buggers deserved to gag. And again, the only time they gagged was when they were piglets. Neither ever ate or gagged on rocks, sticks, etc. </div>
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<div>Nadine Mysker</div>
<div>Slave to Jill the Bagel</div>