We are so glad you are back at home and not in de cage,,,,I am shure you came up wid some good doggy door help fer the Nigel and Lewis Crew. We are soooooooooo happy dat you home and dat your mommy no hab to worry and dat you can tell stories and dat Elder Clara is happy to see you and dat Da Drools swamped you and made yOO all better! I would definately get extra spoiled and get the Prince of all Prince treatments for the next month! my mommy sed to tell your mommy to gib you a hug from my mommy. <br clear="all">
<br>Santana Senor Smarty Pants Ov The WildWest OEBE<br>AkA. Mr. Pants The Basset Hound <br><br>Check out Mr. Pants' woofsites! <br>Dogster Page: <a href="http://www.dogster.com/dogs/622568">http://www.dogster.com/dogs/622568</a> <br>
OR<br>Myspace Page: <a href="http://www.myspace.com/santanadog">http://www.myspace.com/santanadog</a><br><br>"Happiness is a warm puppy"-Rerun Van Pelt (Charlie Brown Character)