<div>Brudder Elwood,</div> <div> In honor of your recovery, and thinking about so many recent stories on the Drool, I composed the following list/doggerel. Harley Basset</div> <div> </div> <div> Favorite forbidden foods</div> <div> </div> <div>Mid-sized rocks and dirty socks</div> <div>Underpants and croton plants</div> <div>Fresh-killed birds and kitty turds</div> <div>Poisoned mice and poop-on-ice</div> <div>Chocolate fudge and roadkill sludge</div> <div>Sticks and stones and putrid bones--</div> <div>These all make a tasty treat,</div> <div>The things we know we shouldn't eat.</div><p>
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