<div>Welcome to Ruby Roo and her gang. My male Bassets all drool like mad, Mitchell and Nigel are the worst-- or best, depending, I guess, on your viewpoint. They both have the classic Basset heads with plenty of lip (in more ways than one) and loose flesh. Zelda and Llewis have cleaner heads, and altho Llewis can and does drool, Zelda is pretty dry.</div>
<div>She has a nice, feminine head but not the heavy flews and loose lip of the males. I don't know if a lot of bitches drool less, or if this is just Zelda, but I do know when I want swamp production, it is the fellows who provide it.</div>
<div>(Cooper wishes it known that he is perfectly capable of leaving huge puddles of drool for certain foods and, always, thunder.)</div>
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<div>MomPerson to Mitchell (Whose breeder even said "wow" at his drool ability), Zelda, Nigel, Llewis and Cooper</div>