<div>I;ve been using Nutro Natural for years. Speedy has been on it since I got him and is stool actual turns white and turns to powder after a few days. I haven't seen any reaction to concern me with him. </div> <div> </div> <div>But reading the report did get me thinking. Ted was also on Nutro Natural and had so much gas toward the end. Each time he got better I feed him Nutro again and he was fine but then always crashed. I keep looking to see if there was an update on FDA website so it never occurred to me that it might be the food. I hope I didn't make things worse by feeding him Nutro. The last vet I saw said it was entropathy, but by then Ted was so sick that it was hard to tell if it was really that or protein loss was a side effect. Its very difficult for me to come to terms with his death because I dont know what was the cause of illness. And I'm still very upset with my first vet for never
admitting he didn't know what was going on. </div> <div> </div> <div>Nancy Momslabe to Speedy Speed Demon of the West OEBE and Ted (ATB)</div><p>
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