<div><BR>Years ago, I made Deohgee the Chinese shar pei some fake basset ears out of brown felt and sewed them to a headband. It worked. The worst things were all the people watching the Strawberry Festival Parade in Lebanon OR who said "that's not a basset." No kidding...I had Noah Go Slowah then he was not reliable enough with crowds to take to a waddle. Deohgee enjoyed it, especially the petting. He kept veering off ot the sidewalk to get more attention. Good luck.</div> <div> </div> <div>Janice</div><BR><BR><div><FONT face=system color=#4040ff>Janice Henry Colvin</FONT></div> <div><FONT face=System color=#4040ff>gardener, dog rescuer, spiritual director, mother, grandmother and friend</FONT></div><p>
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