<div>Today may be Cinco de Mayo but in our house it is calendar day for the boys, Barney and Tucker. And in a pre-celebration they attended the Howlabaloo on Long Island this past Sat.I swear they know just when this is coming because I start telling them in Feb that we are going to the picnic in a few months and they start counting down the days.</div>
<div>Barney, my older man, placed 2nd in the Lowest to the Ground behind the fabled Cakie. Last year he was the Champion but she wasn't in the contest. Since he is such a gentlehound I know he didn't mind relinquishing his place to such a gracious houndette.But he did woof "wait until next year."</div>
<div>Thanks to all those who work to put on one of these events. While the weather wasn't the best, there was still a fine turnout and lots of activities for all. Now I have to tell the boys that it's only 5 months to the Olympics - that is where Tucker gets into the action.</div>
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<div>Tucker - Did you say Olympics, Mom? Oh boy!</div>
<div>Barney - Who's he foolin'? Look at him on the calendar - is that a sports star???</div>