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<body class='hmmessage'>Hello - I have been lurking for a while and thought it was time to introduce ourselves. I'm Kim and we have two bassets, Gunter is a tri colored who is two years old, and Wulfie is a black and brown male who will be a year old May 2th. I'd love to send pictures if someone would tell me how to attach them. I think both of them qualify for OEBE. I have a good example from today for Gunter. We live in Wisconsin, have a small yard that isn't fenced in, so anytime they go outside they are on leashes. Today I had a horrible sinus headache so I worked from home. They needed to go outside, so I took them, and they were playing after doing their business and Gunter slipped out of his harness. I knew it was a little loose but I didn't think it was THAT loose. So he's standing there in the driveway, with the harness around his belly, I'm still holding the leash and I say Gunter Come, and the snot turned around and looked at me stepped out of the harness and took off. I followed, running down the street in sweats, old nasty shoes, big fluffy pink socks (it was cold this morning) and this blue gel thing on my forehead (sinus headache) and of course with Wulfie. He'd come back every few feet just enough to make sure we were still following (did I mention I have asthma and don't run well)? and would take off again. I finally caught up with him at the corner when he must have gotten tired and waited for me. Needless to say, his harness isn't loose anymore. <sigh> And Wulfie who has the smooshiest face in the world (for a reason) took dadslaves glasses off the computer desk, (I think he is a ninja) and happily chewed the frames to bits this morning while we were getting ready for work. And if you need more - We hang our coats on some hooks in the basement stairway, you have to reach pretty far out for anything past the first hook. Well, this winter, he kept taking my jacket off the hook and shredding whatever was in the pockets. Gloves, hats, scarves, earmuffs. I lost count of how many pairs of gloves. I couldn't figure out how he was doing it, and I finally caught him. He'd slide his paw under the basement door, lift it up and get it open, then stand on his hind legs, with his front legs against the wall where the hooks are. Then he'd slide his front paws over until he could reach the jacket and bat at it until it fell. (Did I mention ninja)? I think it's safe to say he won't have to wait for his brains to come. lol. Anyway, my thanks to everyone for keeping me laughing, and my prayers and the boys drool for everyone that has lost a furbaby to the bridge.<br><br>Kim momslave to Gunter (run mom run) and Wulfie (I'm a ninja)<br><br /><hr />With Windows Live for mobile, your contacts travel with you. <a href='http://www.windowslive.com/mobile/overview.html?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_Refresh_mobile_052008' target='_new'>Connect on the go.</a></body>