<div>Hello everyone!</div> <div> </div> <div>I'm curious to hear what people think of the following products for our houndies or if others out there are using these as well... </div> <div> </div> <UL> <LI>California Naturals Skin and Coat Supplement - it makes Mona's coat oh so soft and it seems to help a bit with her itchy feet... although I read that it has garlic oil...</LI> <LI>WELLNESS Super 5 Mix (now comes in the bright purple bag) - Mona does great with this food. Her poop is super firm (what we in our household like to call "man poop" - and men, there is nothing wrong with this.. LOL!) however Potato doesn't seem to tolerate it. He had diarrhea for two weeks, we got him checked and his labwork is negative! So it could be the food or something else..</LI> <LI>ENP Glucosamine - I like the fact that it's liquid... </LI></UL> <div>Any comments would be helpful =) Thanks!</div> <div> </div> <div>Monique</div><p>
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