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My impression with heart murmur's is that if you wait to start medication once there are symptoms, it may be too late to do any good. My cat has a serious heart murmur and when we had him checked out with x-ray/ultrasound it turned out he had congestive heart failure. He takes the same meds that humans would take - 4 in total, and has made a major improvement. I know that cat's are not dogs, but our vet made it clear that if we saw symptoms with our cat (panting, coughing) we would probably not have a lot of time. The good thing is that the meds are generic and very inexpensive. I'm not trying to scare anyone - even my vet admitted that my cat could die of his heart murmur tomorrow, or live to be 19 - but if you can do something to help them out, it may not hurt. Good luck!<br><br>Courtney<br>Momslave to Gilbert, Maggie and Franny<br><br /><hr />Windows Live SkyDrive lets you share files with faraway friends. <a href='http://www.windowslive.com/skydrive/overview.html?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_Refresh_skydrive_052008' target='_new'>Start sharing.</a></body>