<div>We are caught up and sending all our drool to Lance, Grace, Ziggy, Sunny, Vinnie, Barney, Anna, Max and Scooby. Hope we remembered everyone.</div>
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<div>The ground scratching thing----our mini doxie (neutered one year old) Oliver will do that for one of two reasons. He either wants to play or he is showing a much larger dog that he is the "big" dog on campus. The dirt flying--Maggie does that after a #2. She will drag back one back foot and the opposite front foot and do both sides. It is quite comical to watch.</div>
<div><br>Maggie is up for basset of the week this week. It is a picture of her laying asleep on a stuffed animal, but I sized the picture too small when I sent it in. Today, I came home to find that Maggie had chewed on the inside of the back of her leg and made a hot spot/scab type thing. I also came home to find that Mazzie peed on Maggie's bed again (she was put on this earth to test me). </div>
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<div>Now, for my question also. Let's start by saying no changes in routine, no dogs in or out, no new dogs in the neighborhood very recently, no travels etc. The only thing we have changed is Oliver's food. Oliver is a one year old neutered mini doxie. Maggie is an 8 1/2 year old spayed female basset. Mazzie is a 4 1/2 year old spayed female basset. Just this past week, Oliver has mounted both girls mulitple times from the back. He has not displayed this behavior in quite sometime. I do realize it is most likely not sexual and more of a dominance thing, but thought I would ask as I have never been owned by a male dog as an adult. Could there be a female in season and he mounting my females in turn? I doubt it, but thought I would ask. No other weird displays of behavior from him. Any clue as to what this could be? It is not just play either as he just mounts them when they are sitting still and they both snap at him.</div>
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<div>Speaking of snapping, last night while in bed, I heard Mazzie snap at Maggie where they were both sleeping on the dog couch. This has NEVER happened before. That was the end. Maggie is top dog here. I am just nervous that it could be a sign that Maggie is ill and the other dogs are trying for pack order. I sure hope not. She is my heart dog.</div>
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<div>DRool to all in need,</div>
<div>Dee, Maggie, Mazzie and Oliver</div>