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<table background="cid:dogs_03c.gif" width='100%' height='100%' cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>
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<DIV>Dis r Zoee Belle pawin in needddin sum hep, weal quik lik. i am d only pwincess in da house dat iz til todey. da two leg sisser goes to waska on da bacation fur two weeks. she bwing da trubble whit her lass nite. dem two rougheyons ub hern. Hoss and Macy, hoss be a german shepherd what eber dat be and da bwack un are a wabwedoor tweeever. Dey don wike da Zoee Belle and Zoee Belle be skeart to go ta sweep ta nite. me here dem sez sumpin taday dat weallyy cerns me. day be sayin dey gonna moobe in here all da time. Zoee Belle aint likn dat a tall an she pwans on tellin da Mum and Pappy swabes to meke dem mungrells hit da road. Zoee belle gonna git a partitian and hab eberbuddy sign it to get her home back. an wett dem two knos days on my turff.</DIV>
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<DIV>Hey, dat b my bone, gimme dat. don mess whit me, me are gonna telllll, mummmmmmmm wheres you attttt????? hepppppppppp!</DIV>
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