I should probably have given more information - I show my email off so quick since I'm at work I didn't give all the details. <br><br>Last time we took Flash in, he was 83 pounds. He has severe skin allergies and is on Prednisone, so he retains water and drinks like a fish. Because of this, he'll always be a big boy. Ideally, we'd like him down 10 or 15 pounds. <br>
<br>He was abandoned tied to a porch and is now 8 years old. We've had him for two years. He is an inveterate scrounge. We cannot leave the hint of food anywhere that he might possibly be able to reach. He has found food we didn't know we had. We have blocked off the pantry, don't leave any food on any surface/table/counter but he will go through garbages, purses, you name it. <br>
<br>He acts as though he never gets fed and he reminds me of the stories you'll hear about elderly people who lived through the Depression. When they pass away and someone goes through their home, they find food stashed everywhere. He still acts like he doesn't know where his next meal is coming from. <br>
<br>We have been to the vet about his weight, but the vet didn't seem too concerned. He told us to put him on a diet and walk him more. He's on Iams Weight Loss and most nights gets a cup of food mixed with 1/4 can of pumpkin. I tried mixing the green beans in with his kibble and he just eats around the beans. <br>
<br>He also is the most major pain in the behind if he doesn't get peanut butter in a Kong after dinner. I now buy the lowest calorie/sugar PB I can find and he gets about two knife fulls of peanut butter - much less than he was getting. The night we tried to stop giving him the Kong, he made my life a living hell with groaning, barking, whining, nudging and generally annoying me until I relented. So for my sanity and sleeping, I switched the type of peanut butter and made sure he was getting just a taste. <br clear="all">
<br>-- <br>Nicole Haase<br><a href="mailto:nicole.haase@gmail.com">nicole.haase@gmail.com</a><br>414-708-3542