<div>Santana is on his OEBE rampage this past week! </div>
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<div>I have put a new fresh hand towell in one of the bathrooms upstairs several times...guess who jumps up and gets it off the towell ring!</div>
<div>Not only does he get it and toss it around like he is killing it but he is shredding the ends up and seems to be rather pleased with himself! The more I yell and say "Sannntaannnaaa gimmmmeee that!" he runs and barks at it with it in his mouth! So now one of the bathrooms has a new line of hand towells with fringe on the ends! I guess it don't look to bad LOL</div>
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<div>He has also found a nice rolling spot in my flower bed! He waits for me to look at him outside the window or go outside and look at him and he will just flop over like a cow and roll.....he makes sure that he will flop onto the tall flowers and knock the ends onto the ground.....one had just bloomed with nice purple flowers but now they are on the mulch! The more I yell the more he rolls and makes sure he causes some flowers to topple over!</div>
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<div>He also is now counter cruising for paper towells...and he runs and runs and runs around and around and around and LOVES the fact that I care that he has them. If I pretend I do not care and tell him "mommy don't care what you have!" he will just leave it...but if I show one ounce of caring he will start to run and shred! He has this look in his eye like saying "nananananana!"</div>
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<div>I have also had to throw away about 10 pairs of underwear that he somehow SNEAKS out of the door where I keep them. They all have teeth holes in them, not shredded but a multitude of holes in them. He has figured out how to open the door, or he has a stash somewhere. He will also run away from me when I am trying to retrieve them from him, but pretend not to care and then he leaves them.</div>
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<div>I have been chased around my bedroom because he is demanding a walk the minute I walk upstairs! He barks loud and charges at me! I told him after I put laundry away.....so as I was putting a tshirt int he door he jumped up about 3 feet and snatched it out of my hand then started the running away from me with it!</div>
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<div>My dad came over and helped us tear out some grass and put a new boundry around our lawn to keep the rocks off. Santana insisted on jumping into the dirty little ditch and roll and not move when we were trying to put the wood tie down. Then any piece of lawn we tore out he would grab and start running with it. </div>
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<div>Spring and sprung the OEBE Rampage in Santana...anyone else? LOL</div>
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<div>Santana: me is juss libbin up to me name mommy dats all! Me not a Smarty Pants for nuffin! Bwahahahahahaha!</div>
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<div><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Anitra <br>Momma To <br>Santana Senor Smarty Pants Ov The WildWest OEBE<br>AkA. Mr. Pants The Basset Hound <br><br>Check out Mr. Pants' woofsites! <br>Dogster Page: <a href="http://www.dogster.com/dogs/622568">http://www.dogster.com/dogs/622568</a> <br>
OR<br>Myspace Page: <a href="http://www.myspace.com/santanadog">http://www.myspace.com/santanadog</a><br><br>"Happiness is a warm puppy"-Rerun Van Pelt (Charlie Brown Character) </div>