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All the Florida hounds have been stomp'n big time for the last several days....NO RAIN in Michigan, NO RAIN in Michigan!!!!!! RAIN in Florida, RAIN in Florida!!!!!<BR>
our earth is parched, no significant rain in sight, SURELY we can do a diverson tactic and get all that threatened Mishgun Waddle wet stuff to GET DOWN HERE TO FLORIDA RIGHT NOW!!!<BR>
We're also sending Mishgun Waddle pawrade LOTS of sunshine...we'll trade you for your "liquid sunshine!" STOMP STOMP!<BR>
Pat Wood<BR>
Suncoast Basset Rescue<BR>
Bubba & Ethel - our grass is dead....we have to wiggle in the dirt!<BR>
Samantha - send water, puleeze!<BR>
Hannah & Oliver - waddle pawrade in the sun you hounds you!<BR>
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