<div>did yer mommy use 1000 bad werds? me mommy did dis weekend seberal times...me was just twing to tell her me was helping her and gwampa move the grass to annuder location!</div>
<div>YOo are really good OEBE material you ebben scatter your distwuchun in a careful planned out manner! Way to go brudder elwood!<br clear="all"></div>
<div>Santana Senor Smarty Pants Ov The WildWest OEBE<br>AkA. Mr. Pants The Basset Hound <br><br>Check out Mr. Pants' woofsites! <br>Dogster Page: <a href="http://www.dogster.com/dogs/622568">http://www.dogster.com/dogs/622568</a> <br>
OR<br>Myspace Page: <a href="http://www.myspace.com/santanadog">http://www.myspace.com/santanadog</a><br><br>"Happiness is a warm puppy"-Rerun Van Pelt (Charlie Brown Character) </div>