Hi Yolanda, this is Cindy Doyle! We had Jethro and Rugby. My husband Ronald was with us too. We really enjoyed meeting you guys when we first got to the motel and it was very nice talking to you both. It was our very first waddle too and I have to say that we had a really great time. Everybody was very nice and we didn't have a problem managing to meet someone different every day to talk to or party with. It was almost like a big family. When you walked up with your basset you just belonged. When we finally got home from our 22 hour trip back to south Houston Jethro was just about dead. He's the younger of my two bassets but he's not very active. He demanded that I immediately wash his blankie and set up his living room palat so that he could recouperate. He has been sooooo sore. I'm surprised he made it through the whole waddle. The next day when we stopped in Little Rock Arkansas we wanted to walk down 2 blocks and order some mexican food to go. Jethro barely made it by me tugging on his leash and harness then when we got there he would NOT move. So, Ronald had to walk back to the motel, get the truck and come back to the restaurant to pick up me and Jethro. He trotted up to the truck as soon as Ronald got there, put his fat little paws on the back floorboard and looked up at me as if to say "comon, lift me up cuz I'm hitching me a ride back!" Needless to say, the good slave that I am, I did just that. Both of my dogs have slept since we got home yesterday while Ronald and I are still trying to get clothes washed and get things done and ready to head back to work. So, our first waddle experience was very fun and we're hoping to be able to do this again. Thanks to everyone who made it a great success!<br>
Cindy, Ronald, Jethro and Rugs.<div id='u8CA89894B7A72EB-1D5C-153B' class='aol_ad_footer'><FONT style="color: black; font: normal 10pt ARIAL, SAN-SERIF;"><HR style="MARGIN-TOP: 10px">Stay informed, get connected and more <A title="http://mobile.aol.com/productOverview.jsp?productOverview=aol-mobile-overview&?ncid=aolmbd00030000000139" href="http://mobile.aol.com/productOverview.jsp?productOverview=aol-mobile-overview&?ncid=aolmbd00030000000139" target="_blank">with AOL on your phone</A>.</FONT> </div>