.hmmessage P
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Wow, King Bob, you is depenitly a king. Ownly da king wood hab a hows on da reeelz to bisit wit hims subjexs. Dus you wide da queenie Olive awound too. You is a hansom king!<BR>
Mandy da momma habs me on majar drools for you. we luvs you and hopes you gets betr. You is weely luky to hab a smart daddeee. <BR>
Tic Tac and Hugo my seester Abigail she is reddy to sows you da buffet at da bridge. <BR>
Bruddy Elwood I is sowwy you is stinky. Hope da momma she not makes you tak tooooo maneee of dos peeellls. yuk. <BR>
luv to all<BR>
Ella Louise (da momma is outs of da room and i neeed to getz off beforz she catches memememememe)<BR><br /><hr />Change the world with e-mail. <a href='http://im.live.com/Messenger/IM/Join/Default.aspx?source=EML_WL_ChangeWorld' target='_new'>Join the i’m Initiative from Microsoft.</a></body>