<div>Whelp, da day befor today we habbed owr anally sellybrated (watts dat, Hugo?) Ooops <blush> er, I meen annyully sellybrated Memoryal Day Basset BAsh. We habbed wots ov bassets an' wots ov foods - oh, yeah - an' awlso sum peeples too. <yawn> We played an' played an' ran an' ran an' ate an' ate (fanks to Buster hu nokked ober da garbij can wots ov times). Cooper cawt a chickmunk an' wudn't share eever. He eeted da hole fing. Papa wet me in da dore by axydent an' 'afore he new it, I eeted half a cake!! YUM!! ( Not Antie Awisses cake, tho) . Az uzual, Vito got wots ov attenshun. He alwo gots to go swimmin' in da widdwe bloo pool wif da shower on it. Dats cuz Unka Chucklehed frew him in. Now we can't keep him owta it! Corse, Unka Chucklehed went in, too. Heez not too bwite. Ya no, 50 goin' on 13. Dats wat <paws over mowf>...</div>
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<div>So we habbed 14 peeples an' a duzzin' bassets hehehe. Awl da bassets wud be wayin' awownd westing an' snoozin' an' awl ov a sudden Coop wud dash off after a 'munk or a skwirrel an' BOOM!!! Da herd wuz off!! Howlin' an' bayin' an' rooin' the hole way. A few minnits later - silence an' sleepin' bassets. Den a pawson wud com wawkin' down da stweet...an' boy did dey get a big s'prize!! AAARRRROOOOOOOO!!!! times twewve!</div>
<div>Antie Lois hewped mama pwant tons ov fwowers (don't not why cuz ya can't eet 'em) an' get set up. Antie Alice an Unka Mike camed wif froot an' da bestest cake yu ebber habbed!! Antie Pam an' Unka Dwoo awlwayw fink ov owr helf - yummy sawad an' natcherel tweets. Antie Suzanne camed wif a HUGE bag 'o' tweets! Wow! Da fud wuz awlmost awl gon wen she camed. <br clear="all">
<div>Neer da end, da two legger Cwaig wuz standin' awownd so I nagged him an' nagged him to pway chase. Wen he ran after me, awl da uvver bassets joyned in an' we had a gwate game ov chase - he chased us an' we chased him!. It wuz so much fun!!</div>
<div>We hope next yeer we hab eben more bassets an' peeples. We missed da wuns dat awlways com an' cud not dis yeer. Speshully my gurlfwend Daisy Bewwe <sigh> hu I did not see fer a wong wong time now.</div>
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<div>Gotta go - I am sooo tired <yawn>. Sendin' wots ov dwool (cuz dere iz wots ov fud here!) fer evwybuddy hu needs it.</div>
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<div>Arfur, bruvver to Hugo an' da now offishul Vito</div>
<div>-- <br>Blossom <a href="http://www.dogster.com/?50296">www.dogster.com/?50296</a><br>Hugo <a href="http://www.dogster.com/?443659">www.dogster.com/?443659</a><br>Arfur <a href="http://www.dogster.com/?443631">www.dogster.com/?443631</a><br>
<br>O Great Spirit, grant that I might not criticize my neighbor until I have walked a mile in his moccasins. <br><br>Help feed the animals <a href="http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com/tpc/ERA_040208_ARS">http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com/tpc/ERA_040208_ARS</a> </div>