<div>We are sorry that Matilda went to the bridge..that is almost exactly what happened to mommys Freddy ATB and at first mommy wishes they hadn't been able to revive him either cause it would have been easier not to have to make the decision..but mommy said later it brought her comfort to know that they tried to make him well and it just coulndt be and so then mommy did the loving thing and let him go.</div>
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<div>Soon may the huge hole in your heart be filled with all the loving memories and funny moments of your time together.</div>
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<div>And remember she will be waiting for you!!! </div>
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<div>Fly high Matilta...and wave to us when you can!!!<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>King Bob the DOg<br><br>Support Basset Rescue order Bob's Kewl stuff at<br><a href="http://www.bbostelman.net/Bob/bobthedog.html">http://www.bbostelman.net/Bob/bobthedog.html</a><br>
<br><br><a href="http://www.mypetspages.com/mysite/389/">http://www.mypetspages.com/mysite/389/</a><br><a href="http://georgeegrunt.com/bobthedog/index.html">http://georgeegrunt.com/bobthedog/index.html</a> </div>