<div>Slacking on the drools for the last couple days and I finally just caught up. </div>
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<div>We want to extend our deepest sympathies to Matilda's family. We hope your hearts are beginning to heal knowing Tilly is watching over you daily. We send lots of heart healing drool your way. </div>
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<div>Also drool to Morse, Hushy, Betsy, Norm, Bella & Bouzer and Maggie LaRock. We hope you all feel much better soon so you can get lots of cookies this weekend.</div>
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<div>To Gertie, Sean and Daisy Mae - Happy Birfday!!!! May your weekend be filled with white boxes and frosty paws. </div>
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<div>And laslty, a tip thats been repeated by many (although I guess we never learn until it happens to us): Don't read the drool at work. I was bawling by the end of Max's letter to Carolyn. So sweet but definitely a tear-jerker. You'd think I would've known not to open it since it was titled "Tear Jerker"!! Either way though I'm glad the words came to you, Carolyn. Max is watching over you always and forever.</div>
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<div>Lub and drool to all,</div>
<div>Kacy with Cowboy & Ru(pert)</div>