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Ella Louise here,<BR>
Da momma hab ben going cwazy dis past weeek. Someting bouts da computer hard dwive cwasing. Da wurds from hers mouth was not for mememememme ears. (at weast she was not mads at memememememe)<BR>
She said she lost ebweting. But i is still heers so I's gets dat is not so. <BR>
I am ons de computer to tells ebwey houndie who has gones to da bridge dat my seeester Abigail will be der to meet wit you and sows you awound. Momma said to send da drools and snooters to yous fwamlees. and to send drools and snooters to all da sick houndies. It may be das mamma says befors she catch up wit eberyting. <BR>
Dat is good, I cans get into a wot of truble in da kitchen while she is on de computer. <BR>
snooters to all<BR>
Ella Louise<BR><br /><hr />Now you can invite friends from Facebook and other groups to join you on Windows Live™ Messenger. <a href='https://www.invite2messenger.net/im/?source=TXT_EML_WLH_AddNow_Now' target='_new'>Add them now!</a></body>