<div>Yesterday when Cream, Nigel's cute blonde friend, went missing, we went over in our tracking gear and, starting at the gate she ran out of, tried to find her. Nigel immediately began tracking SOMETHING, across the neighbor yard, across the street (!) and into a beautifully gardened backyard where I had to stop him since it was private property. We went back and tried again. Same exact route. I could see the bent grass in the nieghbor's yard where we had gone before.</div>
<div>Third time-- same thing. Nigel said she was going due south, but some kids said no they had seen her the other way, so everyone searched the other way. Nobody found her.</div>
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<div>This morning when I got to work the very first thing I did was walk through the "stray" ward and there was Cream! The cops had brought her in. she was found about 8 blocks from home on a street that we would have hit had we continued following Nigel's lead.</div>
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<div>So altho we had nothing with which to start scenting, Nigel (well I knew he was tracking I just didn'tknow for sure if it were Cream) Nigel knew what to do. He is awesome. Cream is fine and will be going home tomorrow. Her Mama got off work too late to bail her out tonight.</div>
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<div>WE know it was the Drool that kept her safe and helped someone to call the police to pick her up. Thanks everyone.</div>
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<div>MomPerson and Nigel.</div>