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<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Kim, <br>
I'm sure there are many Droolers here who are able to manage a Dremmel with skill, especially those who breed and show Bassets and use them frequently. I cannot, nor do I wish to subject them and me to the possibility that I might inadvertantly nail (pun intended) their quick. So, when I saw the ad for the Peticure I decided to try it after reading about it on their website. It is similar to a Dremmel except it has a guard which prevents it from accidentally slipping while you are working on the nail. They also have a money back guarantee so I figure if it doesn't work, I'm out shipping only. I promise to post about how things go when it arrives and is put to use. Just MHO...<br>
Sandi, Mamaslave to old petrified nails Dozer, Dudley, Daisy and Delilah<br>
<blockquote style="border-left: 2px solid blue; padding-left: 3px;"><pre><tt>I saw the post a few days ago about the peticure, and didn't see any responses. <br>
Gunter has very thick nails and the quick comes down pretty far on them, and he <br>
absolutely hates getting them clipped (the tech at the vet got him really bad <br>
once). I'd like to get a dremel or something like that because I've heard it's <br>
a lot easier to avoid the quick and they tolerate it better. Does anyone have <br>
any suggestions as to which is better (peticure or dremel) or if there is a <br>
specific model for the dremel that I should get?</tt></pre><tt></tt></blockquote>
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