<div>I am not sure but I think what has happened is that some of the space around or near the surgical site has filled with serum. This can happen whether the dog is active or not. I can be a reaction to the suture material, as well. Time usually causes the serum to resorb,altho warm compresses will speed the process UNLESS your dog hates it and wiggles and squirms and carries on as if you are holding red-hot coals on him (does this by any chance sound like the voice of experience?) or spends all his time chewing your hand and the compress. I have never heard it called an activity cyst which to me sounds much more ominous than "Oh it's a little pocket of serum.." I know a Belgian (not mine) who ended up with scrotal sacs the size of grapefruits and he was crated following his neutering and not allowed any activity other than a pee break. </div>
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<div>Sometimes, you know, s*** just happens.</div>
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<div>MomPerson to Nigel, Llewis (oooo what a big bubble where my nebberminds were!!!) Zelda, Mitchell and Cooper</div>