<div>Hi dere, diz is Homer ob da West and my brudder Bob. Mommy dont let us git neer de postie manz neeber cuz we wud lubs to chomp on hims. Eberyday he comes and we keep tellin himz to go away or else we iz gonna chomp himz to peeces but he jus keep comin beke. hims must not heer so gud. mommy also sez dat we cant let anybuddy but daddy and gwandma pet us cuz sometimes I like ta chomp and den odders I dont and mommy dont know when i cud bite so we just stay away fwum strange peeples altogedder.</div>
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<div>And ya know I dont much like anybuddy i dont know gettin close to my mommy, i gotta proteck her, its my job. </div>
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<div>Momperson here - one day I swear our big living room window will crack and Homer and Bob will be off in a flash trying to take down the postie man. Homer has literally stood on the back of couch in front of the window and practically foamed at the mouf telling off that bad postie man!</div>
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<div>Momperson, Homer ob da West & Orygun Bob (i wud nebber chomp anybuddy)</div>