I don't get it... I know I saw last year that Joey seems to be a basset smorgasbord for those little flying bugs that always seem to be around, but dad said that today he was attacked by deer flies! Like no kidding, attacked by deer flies. Dad put him out back for a bit (he gets home earliest), and said a few minutes later after the other boy were out he heard Joey making some really weird noises, and yelping, and he'd tangled hi tie out around a tree, and was flailing, jumping and napping at the flies! Dad chased them off, and doused him and the rest of the boys with copious amounts of diatomacious earth. Apparently DE is also good for deer flies! A few buzzed him, but none bit him since he was doused. (And I mean covered! He now looks all white!) I know last summer some kind drooler sent me a link to somewhere that made dog soap with Cedar in it, but my computer ate it. Anyone got any sure proof bug repellants? The diatomacious earth does help a lot, but every time we pet the dogs, white powder goes flying everywhere, so not good for company or travel... But, on the other hand, we can now attest to the fact that diatomacious earth is good deer fly repelant...<br>
-Karrie, momma to Joey, the now all white houndie<br>