<div>Zelda is doing pretty well. The tumor continues to grow amazingly, but her attitude and appetite are good. We have added Tramadol twice a day to her Deramaxx and it has helped quite a bit towards making her more comfy. She is still ruling the roost with an iron paw. She is still sitting up for treats and belly rubs. She can still make all the boys stay a good 10 feet from her with just a look and a slight snizzle. She goes out the door first and in the door first. She likes to lay in the doorway to the house so that the boys cannot get in or out. I can hear her chuckling in her sleep.</div>
<div>She eats a conglomeration of things I dare not mention since some of them, I am sure, are terrible dietarily.(Is that a word?) However, she may have whatever she wants. She cannot open her mouth very far and cannot chew hard things, like kibble. She has shifted, to my husband's delight, from doggie treats to sugar cookies. They do a lot of sharing. LOL.</div>
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<div>MomPerson to Zelda, Nigel, Llewis, Mitchell and Cooper</div>